Mastering the Money Game Mastermind
Dear Fellow Growth Minded Women Entrepreneurs, Goal Getters and Friends,
Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you try and how much you do, you just can't get to the next level of results and success in your business? This can feel exhausting and overwhelming and I can definitely relate, as I have been there too!
So many women entrepreneurs are "doing all the right things" yet not creating the level of success they imagined, are capable of, and deserve!!
Maybe you are creating the success you desire yet other important areas of your life are paying the price, and this idea that you can have it all just seems to good to be true?!
Does this sound like how you may be feeling?
🙁Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed in the daily grind of your business, as your money results don't match your hustle and effort?
🙁Feeling unfulfilled and starting to question your self worth and your capabilities to achieve the kind of success you desire?
🙁Feeling like your life is out of harmony as areas like your health and wellbeing and relationships are not being tended too properly?
🙁Realizing you are living most of your life in the masculine and this is no longer serving you?
The good news is Awareness Before Change. If this is YOU, then you are obviously aware that something has got to change and you are looking for a solution.
Congrats as that is the first step towards transformation. The exciting part is that its usually small tweaks within your mindset and actions and I almost guarantee you are closer to a personal and business breakthrough then you realize!
This is why I am so excited to introduce Mastering The Money Game Mastermind to you!
💗Break free from financial limitations and elevate your wealth mindset to attract and generate your first six-figure income or multiple six-figure income.
💗Elevate your identity and belief in yourself to match your image of a successful businesswomen worthy of wealth and abundance.
💗Learn to prioritize your health and well-being to renew your energy, joy, and passion for your work, personal growth, and the lifestyle you aspire to live.
💗Allow your feminine to lead, let go of guilt and shame, and harness the power of being a women in business.
Basically kick butt financially, find joy, peace and harmony in your daily life, and for gosh sakes love yourself FULLY!
If you are ready to breakthrough to the next level of self transformation and business success then NOW is the time to DECIDE, COMMIT, and SUCCEED!
We empower growth minded women entrepreneurs, who are looking for solutions to reach their next level of transformation & success, to cultivate self worth and a powerful business identity, master the money game, and live a fulfilling lifestyle NOW!
See you in the next Mastering The Money Game Mastermind!! Spots are limited so get your seat TODAY!
Clarity and Alignment on your vision, values and goals both in business and personally
Cultivating an image and identity that matches your version of a successful business women
Increasing the flow of money through raising your vibration and frequency
Advancing to the next levels of success and breaking through ceilings
Multiple tools and frameworks for business and enrollment/sales that will EXPAND your results
Growth Mindset support and techniques to use in achieving success
Confidence building within oneself, self love and belief that you are deserving of success
Learning to design your life and ensure you values and goals are a priority
Improved focus on health: physical, mental, and nervous system
Learning how to take adversity and challenges and turn the circumstance into blessings and opportunities
and much more
Start Date: February 2025
Location: Online (zoom link to be provided upon registration)
Investment: $647/month for 6 months OR $3297 one time payment (savings of $585)
the mastermind runs once a week for 2hours each session for 6 months
includes initial 2hour one on one grounding session, and 2 1 hour one on one coaching sessions throughout the mastermind
includes access to multiple tools, frameworks, and scripts to apply towards your business
includes a 2 month money game to increase wealth consciousness, vibration and flow of abundance
With an International Business Degree in hand, a decade managing diverse restaurants, and over 17 years on a profound personal growth path, both personally and professionally, she unearthed her gift for coaching and facilitation.
Kelley also had a global business which expanded from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (her hometown) all the way to South Africa (where she lived for 6 years), and built a massive network and distribution system empowering women through business and personal development.
Throughout her journey, she has spoke in front of thousands, pioneered entrepreneurial programs, designed and led group masterminds, and guided individuals toward their own remarkable success.
Today, she is grateful she gets to channel her passions and purpose into Entrepreneurial Elevation and the Entrepreneurial Elevation Podcast "Unleashing Greatness Within."
When not immersed in the entrepreneurial and personal development realm, she indulges in her love for travel, fun and adventure, spending time with her fur baby, morning coffee rituals, and nurturing meaningful relationships.